www.SimmonsCup.com - The Official Home of
The Pseudo Decathlon
Est. 2002
* 1st = 10 points, 2nd = 8 points, 3rd = 6 points, 4th = 4 points, 5th and 6th = 3 points, 7th and 8th = 2 points, 9th and 10th = 1 points, 11th and 12th = 0 points
Name Bowling Pool Air Hockey Croquet Ping-Pong Foosball Jarts Darts Horse Minigolf TOTAL
Plc Pnts Plc Pnts Plc Pnts Plc Pnts Plc Pnts Plc Pnts Plc Pnts Plc Pnts Plc Pnts Plc Pnts POINTS
Todd T-3rd 5 2nd 8 4th 4 2nd 8 1st 10 4th 4 1st 10 7th 2 1st 10 8th 2 63
Bill 5th 3 4th 4 T-7th 2 6th 3 2nd 8 2nd 8 3rd 6 3rd 6 9th 1 T-1st 8 49
Paul T-3rd 5 T-9th 0.5 2nd 8 7th 2 3rd 6 T-9th 0.5 2nd 8 1st 10 3rd 6 T-5th 3 49
Kevin 2nd 8 T-9th 0.5 T-7th 2 3rd 6 6th 3 T-9th 0.5 8th 2 2nd 8 4th 4 T-1st 8 42
Scott 12th 0 T-5th 3 1st 10 1st 10 7th 2 1st 10 T-9th 0.5 4th 4 12th 0 7th 2 41.5
Jim 1st 10 T-7th 2 T-9th 0.5 4th 4 T-9th 0.5 5th 3 T-9th 0.5 5th 3 7th 2 T-1st 8 33.5
John 11th 0 T-5th 3 3rd 6 5th 3 T-9th 0.5 8th 2 4th 4 6th 3 2nd 8 11th 0 29.5
Rob 10th 1 1st 10 T-5th 3 10th 1 T-9th 0.5 T-9th 0.5 T-9th 0.5 T-9th 0.5 5th 3 4th 4 24
Matthew 9th 1 T-7th 2 T-9th 0.5 12th 0 5th 3 3rd 6 6th 3 8th 2 6th 3 10th 1 21.5
Peter 7th 2 3rd 6 T-9th 0.5 9th 1 4th 4 6th 3 T-9th 0.5 T-9th 0.5 10th 1 12th 0 18.5
Fernando 6th 3 T-9th 0.5 T-9th 0.5 8th 2 T-9th 0.5 7th 2 5th 3 T-9th 0.5 8th 2 T-5th 3 17
Steph 8th 2 T-9th 0.5 T-5th 3 11th 0 8th 2 T-9th 0.5 7th 2 T-9th 0.5 11th 0 9th 1 11.5